
Friday, January 8, 2010


Sadly, work is getting in the way of my hobby and I didn't get the block of time that I'd hoped for this week. Am hoping to finish up by noon and at least sneak in an afternoon of quilting.

Kellie has finally posted the joining instructions for the Joseph's Coat. In a way, I wish I'd had these to start with, as I would have been able to make color transitions. But on the other hand, older daughter (for whom the quilt is destined) keeps saying "Mom, relax...I like random...cuz it's just like me". I have been putting together blocks trying to mix the fabrics as much as possible and trusting that the colors will all work out in the end. Turns out that the joining process includes pressing and pinning back all the background fabric, making circles that can be direction-less. This has made distributing the colors far easier than I'd anticipated. Younger daughter and I played with the blocks last night and had a happy combination pretty quickly.

Next challenge is to see if the back basting needle turn approach that I used is going to cause joining headaches. (I was warned that it would.) I should know by the end of the weekend...and will post my discoveries.

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