
Friday, April 30, 2010

Prepping the Next Round of Projects!

The semester is nearly over....just a couple more papers to grade and a final to write.  Then I'll have time to work on quilts!!!  Before my computer started giving me fits (it's time for a new Internet provider) I got to participate as a guest blogger on  Stash Manicure.  This is a great inspiration for using up your stash (so you have room for more fabric!)

Wed night while my family was watching a movie I wasn't interested in, I pulled out an absolutely MAD project that I started gathering for last summer.  Once my "have to" list is done.... I'll start on a quilt that looks a little like the photo below.  Crazy huh.  I forgot that I was planning to use the blues from my stash.  They're gone.  Time to go buy more.

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