
Sunday, April 11, 2010


I finished the black & white columbine quilt and am quite pleased with the result.  Am quite glad I took the time to hand quilt the white section, as the textural difference b/w that and the machine quilting is quite pleasing.  I haven't found the right lighting situation that really captures the quilting, but will keep trying and will post final pics when that happens.

I have been working on the Joseph's Coat again.  Partially, that's b/c I can applique even when my hands are tired from quilting.  The other part, is that summer is sneaking up and the daughter for whom I'm making it graduates in August.  I've  changed my mind on the pieced back and DD thinks that purple may be the answer.

Even though I only have 3 more blocks to the next goal cut-off, I've decided to work on the remaining 17 at the same time.  In an attempt to make myself feel better about progress...I started considering my progress in petals rather than blocks.  If I'm counting right, there are 637 petals in the entire quilt (including the joining 1/2 blocks and the fill-ins on the side). I have 461 finished (72%).  Honestly, I was wishing this percentage was higher.  Only another 50-60 hours to finish up this quilt top.

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