
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Joseph's Coat Rows 1-5 it is.  Rows 1-5.   The blocks for the final 2 rows are done, but not yet connected.  This is taking far longer than I'd anticipated.  PBS cooking shows got me through the morning.  Triathalon and Rugby in the afternoon.  WHO KNEW that Utah has a National-Finals-Worthy Rugby team.  Learn something new every day.  Go Utes!   (This applies only to Rugby....not Football...Go BSU!).

I wish I had the final joining instructions for this project before I'd started.  Had I known how this was all going together, I would have done this differently, saving 3 yards of fabric, endless color positioning stress,  and 10 hours of stitching.  {sigh}

Tomorrow is Rolling Thunder, military family charity motorcycle event supporting The Wounded Warrior Project, the Idaho Guard and Reserve Family Support Fund, and Mountain Home AFB’s Operation Warmheart.   I'll be with Harley Dude.  (Yea...I made those burgundy leather 'gator chaps...I'm ambivalent about the bike, but I really like the costume.)


  1. wow, your JC looks fantastic. You are so much ahead of me ;(, but I'll get there in the end as well. It is really quite work intensive, isn't it?

  2. 7, 2010 at 12:26 AM

    oh i love your jc! It looks amazing! i put off starting mine but keep looking at everyones.

  3. love the chaps! my husband and i did rolling thunder a few years back and it was awesome! can't wait to do it again!
