
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sidetracked Again

I was enjoying reading Friday blog posts when I was totally distracted by the "Hexie Caddie" that Vreni posted.  So I followed her link to Penny's Tutorial.  Somehow, neither post prepared me for how big this caddy really is.  It's 8" across at the widest point. Still super cute and practical....but I may need to rethink the proportions for my little sewing area.


  1. Oh it looks lovely! I too was a bit astonished how big it turned out, that's why I'm making a smaller one to take along when I go to my quilt groups or to a workshop. Happy Sewing!

  2. lovely! i've been looking for a pattern for those for a while now! thanks for the link!

    i also followed your link from stash manicure about your USA quilt....luck has it that i ive in GA, one of the states you need...let me know how to get some fabric to ya! i can't guarentee that it'll have a southern drawl, but i do :)

    happy stitchin! shannon

  3.'s a big one that I didn't mention in my tutorial. But big is good for putting a bigger pair scissors and not make the caddy topple! and you have lots of room for all the pins you have! Can I use your photo to feature in my blog? Of course there'll be a linky back to you :)
