
Sunday, October 3, 2010

New State Blocks

I managed to work on a few of the state blocks this weekend.

Road to California was made with fabric sent by my sister-in-law Rita.

My high school friend Lisa sent this fabric from New York.  The pattern is called Empire Star.

I bought the fabric for the Texas Rose this summer while we were on vacation.  I thought it needed some contrast for the "vase" so I used some scraps left over from the Montana block.

This is Water Wheel, which I chose to represent New Hampshire.  My mom & daughter picked this fabric up for me when they were at my niece's wedding in August.  They also bought some fabric in Maine.  The funny thing is that these are the only repeat fabrics so far.  I bought this fabric in Michigan too.   Perhaps there's a genetic component to fabric preference.

That brings my finished count to 16.


  1. Had to go back and look at your other State Blocks, they are looking great. The quilt is going to be beautiful when you are done, love the red and white.

  2. Great State blocks! I have a book from the 70s that reproduces the state capitol blocks from the 1930s. You can see the post at

  3. Hi Marjorie! I got the Broc-Kitty in the mail today... Love it! I can't wait to try it out.
    Thank you so much!!!!!

  4. All fantastic! I LOVE the Empire Star...I don't think I've seen that one.
    Happy Quilting or should I say piecing, your *favorite* activity? LOL
