
Monday, October 25, 2010


I've had UFO's on the brain lately.  It started when I reorganized the sewing area.  Then I had to decide what to take to work on for the West Yellowstone UFQ weekend.  There are a lot more than I thought I had.  I found the angel and star blocks that my girls made in early grade school.  I sewed them together this weekend with the long lost items.

I also realized that my projects fall into 4 categories:  UFO (Unfinished Objects), WIP (Work in Progress), Archive (things I'll never finish but will keep for historical value) and a category I'll call NEP (Next Evil Plan).

I have a pile of UFO's I plan to get finished by Christmas so I can get a move on with other projects.  The good news is that when I pulled all of them out recently, I liked them again.  I think they became UFOs  because I started disliking them.  The Ojibwe beadwork inspired quilt was annoying me because of the repeated elements.  I've done more annoying repetitions lately, so it looks reasonable now.  A round robin project was abandoned as it didn't seem to go together well.  I've done more free-form / abstract quilts now and think it looks great.  My new trick is going to be finishing the old UFO's without having my WIP become my new UFOs.


  1. Sounds like a good plan, hope that you are able to stick to it. I think that all real creative quilters have the same problem, I know I do.

  2. I love the category NEP- Next Evil Plan! That doesn't really help with the finishing! I seem to suffer from those plans as well!
