
Sunday, November 7, 2010

More Finished Projects

I've been working on quilting the Broken Glass quilt on the machine, and the Joseph's Coat by hand.  Neither are going particularly quickly.

To make myself feel like I'm making a wee bit of progress on eliminating UFOs, here's a hot pad.  It involved paper piecing.  I made 2 of the 40 squares needed and decided that I really didn't like it enough to make a whole quilt.  I added 3 layers of cotton batting and stitched it on the machine.

I also made Kansas Dugout with fabrics sent by Heather.  Heather's fabric donation provided me with a solution to my fabric gathering process for this quilt.   She provided me with a list of states that she has lived in...and since the fabric came from her stash, there's a possibility that she bought it in Kansas.'s a stretch....but I made up the rules so I can also change them.

The leftover fabrics are being used for a bonus quilt that will have about 1000 HST.  I keep these in my purse and stitch on them in waiting rooms, at staff meetings and at educational conferences.  I added another 40 or so this week.  I even had Tom Sawyer moments (twice!) in which I convinced friends that I had an extra needle & thread for something them to do during the particularly boring lectures.  Thanks Bobbi & Hillary!

Well...back to quilting for me!

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