
Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Break

For the better part of a week, I've had a house guest living in the FamilyRoom-GuestRoom-LivingRoom-SewingRoom-Studio-MediaRoom.  Needless to say, I've had an enjoyable time watching movies, putting together jigsaw puzzles, taking naps and preparing/eating my favorite foods.  But I have no progress on quilts.

 I did get some lovely textile gifts though.  Anna sent 50g of merino from Peru in my favorite colors.  The photo doesn't do the crochet hook justice, but it is 2 ended (size 6/7) and carved from wood. So yummy! I have no idea what I'm going to use it for.

Mom just returned from a trip that included Myanmar/Burma.  She gave me several Lungi (a sarong with a border print).  This one is hand painted.   Unfortunately, the dots and outlines are a sticky sparkly stuff that likes to stick on itself.  I think I'll wash it first and see how it turns out before I sew anything with it.

This one is my favorite.  It is hand embroidered. There's about 3.5 yards.  I'm thinking "summer dress".

This is my mom's fave.   It's a little wider, but only about 2 yards - machine embroidered with metallic thread.

I did attempt one bit of applique.  I traced the Heron pattern on to tissue paper and attempted to machine "front baste" the pattern for reverse applique.  Too bad I hate my machine and can't sew a straight line to save my life.

After tearing away all the nasty bits of tissue, I have a wonky basting line to follow.  I did go back and hand baste parts that didn't go as planned.  I think it'll work out fine, but at this point I'm not convinced this approach will be a regular player in my repertoire.  I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. It's a bit of trial and error at times isn't it
    I'm thinking of attempting something a little less ambitious to start off with, then in due course revisit my other design - but maybe it's just me dithering again.
