
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stupid Ideas

On some blog recently I read about a technique for making half-square-triangles by sewing the outside edges of a square, then cutting into 4 pieces.  This seemed an incredibly stupid idea since it would make the  square's edges all on the bias.   So I decided to try it.

My conclusion is that it is, in fact, incredibly stupid to have piles of squares with bias edges.  I had to be extremely careful as I sewed them together.  I could just imagine a beginning piecer try would keep you from ever piecing again.

My tolerance for this approach is pretty low, so instead of a whole quilt of this, I'll alternate these 2 strips with something else.

And as long as I'm sharing my "what was I thinking?" moments....I'll share this progress photo.  I've literally Turned The Corner on the Joseph's Coat.  The hand quilting is finished on 3 sides with most of the center finished.  I've quit tracking petals completed, and have changed to a smaller hoop as it makes me feel like I'm making progress each time I move the hoop.  Just a guess...but I have the equivalent of about 7 "squares" to go.   This is why I haven't posted much lately...I've been focused on finishing this.


  1. Sewing the HST from a set of squares is interesting. To get rid of the bias edges on the outside of the HST why not start with a square that has bias edges, then the resulting HSTs would be good. Just a thought

  2. I think this technique was designed to sell more spray starch!

    I am excited to see your FINISHED Joseph's Coat quilt! Good for you!!!!

    I haven't worked on mine in a while. Need to get busy on it again! Too many irons in the fires right now!

  3. I haven seen this method for making HST before and was always wondering if the bias on the outside doesn't make it difficult? Thanks for sharing your experience. Now, I don't have to try it myself to find out it doesn't work.
    Love, love, love your JC! You've been so busy.

  4. I love that method for making HST's and as long as your press them and not iron them, they keep their shape.I don't have a problem with them stretching either.

  5. No machine = no temptation to try it! Your Joseph's Coat is progressing nicely. I tend to use the smallest hoop that will hold the area I am working on. The oval hoop my daughter sent me is good for borders because it is not so high in the middle giving more area to work with less reach.

  6. Interesting to hear your take on the 1/2 sq. triangles. I just did one and thought it a great idea, but then I'm really not into piecing. Love your Joseph's Coat. I have the pattern and hope to make it someday. Great job and beautiful colors.

  7. I have never seen that hst method before, don't think I will try it!! Love your Jacobs coat, you are way in front of me! xo

  8. The Joseph's coat is looking fabulous and I can't believe how close you are to finishing. Go, Marjorie, GO!
