
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Charley Harper Quilt Along

I can't wait!!!  Ethne at Flaming Stitches is hosting a challenge / quilt along to use one of Charley Harper's images in a quilt.  I'm in love with this one:
limb on a limb
Check out the blog and join us!


  1. Way to go Marjorie - lovely big images here
    I found some stunning new images earlier today I'd never seen before
    OOPs more inspiration - more to make a decision from - the field of choice is getting wider not narrower ;0)

  2. Yay too! I'm not looking at any more images as I'll change my mind. This is going to be a great quilt along.

  3. Not sure I dare to look. Well, I did peek and it is quite tempting. I tend to change every design so much it would probably break every rule.

  4. Have you seen a picture of Jane Haworth's quilt? Susan Beal's blog, West Coast Crafty, has pics of her trip to Sisters Quilt Show. Look at the date of 7/13/09. Lovely quilt.

    Denise in Sacramento

  5. The racoons on blue would be a lot of fun. Can't do racoons as I'm now anti-racoon as they are a predator to chickens. GAH! I'm going to have to stop looking at these quilt along posts because I already have too many images I want to do!

    So you plan to do the napping kitty?
