
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Half an Orange Popsicle

I made it half-way through the orange popsicle today before I had to put everything away.  The window guys are coming in the morning to replace the 3 windows in the living room (where I do all my sewing) and the 3 in our bedroom (where we seem to stash everything when company is coming).  I hope to get back to this project later in the week.'ll be small, contained handwork for a couple days.

If you've stopped by from the Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day...I hope you'll take the time to check the 4 posts prior to this that went through the 3 day's of progress from this round of efforts.  M.


  1. This is looking really great. I am enjoying seeing the progress. Good luck with the Window replacement...

  2. I found you through the Fresh Sewing Day and glad I did. Love what you say about the quilts you make. I take my time with mine usually hand quilting them...I want to put love into them for the family and friends I make them for. So they take a long time to come to fruition. I love your applique and would like to try it but feel a little daunted. I shall enjoy taking a look at your tutorials. Have a great weekend!

  3. It looks fantastic. Hopefully you're back in your sewing spot soon.
