
Monday, June 20, 2011

Applique - little finishes.

I finished some hand-work while in the car this weekend.  This pattern was a Shop Hop block, and this version of it was the demo for Bailey's quilt group.  I decided to leave off the flowers from the pattern.  When I got home I did some machine quilting of wavy lines close together (using the walking foot), then got brave and did free-motion on the soles of the shoes.  Once again, I have weird tension things going on the back side in some sections, but my stitch length is getting a wee bit more even.
I had also started a sea-shell quilt a half a dozen years ago.  This one had been about 1/2 finished and I got it done on the way home.  I need to find the few that I did finish and find a way to put them together for a pillow or a beach bag.  My enthusiasm for making this a full size quilt is completely gone.

I also swapped out the chartreuse beak for a yellow one and got one of the legs done.  I had time to make the other one, but realized that where I had drawn it on the back was faint and somewhat wonky and I didn't have the pattern with me, nor did I trust my bird-foot-drawing-skills.

The purpose for my road trip was a family gathering of my husband's cousins.  Part of the fun was taking the parts of Popsicles Momsicles I have done and having the artist sign the quilt where it was signed in the painting.  I will embroider over this.  It was quite enjoyable to have it spread across her living room floor with a copy of the print sitting next to it (the original is currently at a gallery in Hot Springs, Arkansas).

I have a busy week of work, so don't expect to get much quilting in until Friday.  Will share with you then.


  1. I love your flip flop patten it is so cute. i just finishe appliqueing 20 pairs of flip flops. Where did you find you pattern?

  2. Lindo o teu flip flop.Alias o trabalho todo.Parabens.


  3. I'm glad I found your blog...I'm an appliqué addict as well. I decided long ago to machine quilt so I could have enough time to do the appliqué part on a quilt. I'm a follower!
    best, nadia

  4. So, flip flop straps are totally less "defined" than yours are!
