
Friday, June 3, 2011

Seriously Annoyed

I am not generally a whiner...but I had 2 product failures before I even started quilting yesterday.

I wanted really white batting for the Blue Lemonaide quilt since there's so much white in the piecing and it's fairly thin material (I used a cotton sheet).   I headed to the fabric store where I discovered that there was no bleached cotton, so I'd be stuck buying a poly batt.  I decided to give this product a try.

It did not "steam to baste all three layers instantly".  After 30 minutes of trying different settings, a spray bottle, and even the promise of adhering one side at a time w/o steam....I had a 1foot x 3 foot section of stiff batting sitting smugly b/w the front and back all by itself.

I gave up and grabbed a cotton batting from the garage and started pin-basting, when I discovered that half my basting pins have gone missing.   Arg.

I remembered that I'd come across some wash-away basting thread when I was cleaning out the thread drawer and decided to use it to make up for the lack of pins.

The thread broke every 8 inches. I don't know if it was the age of the product, the product itself or my machine.  After the 9th rethreading of the machine I just gave up.

I just started sewing.  We'll see how it turns out.


  1. Yikes - sounds like you couldn't catch a break! Hope today goes more smoothly!

  2. You poor thing! I hate days like that. I usually give up for a while and take a nap. LOL I hope things go better for you today.

  3. That's when I'd give up and move onto something else, as someone is sending me a message that's it's not the time to do that particular project

  4. You did better than I did. I would have just given up, walked away, and started something else. I hope today go better.

  5. I guess one reason I do things the "old" way is this very one. Of course you probably got the instructions in English so you can't blame that part, still...

  6. Water soluble basting thread can be a real pain. I have to put it in my bobbin to not have it shred to bits when I sew it in. Can't put it in through the needle.

  7. when i have days like that, i leave the sewing room for the day and come back tomorrow and all is good then.
