
Thursday, June 30, 2011


I have been SOOO excited to finish this quilt!!!  The moment I put her in the washing machine, I realized that I still hadn't added the whiskers.  Drat.

And my cat was not a helpful model in the photo shoot.

Get back here!

(But if you click to enlarge you can see the 4 different quilting textures.)
Seriously??? Like you can't sit still for 5 seconds.

(Oh, but notice the texture of the hand quilting behind her butt.)

Can you find the secret dragonfly?

Well, at least THIS cat does what she's asked to do. 

I guess I need to go back and add whiskers and tack down the recalcitrant leaf edges before I can declare completion.


  1. Wow! I really like your finished quilt. The colors and quilting are great.
    Why do cats only sit still when you want them to move?lol I feel your frustration with the photo shoot.

  2. Stunning! I knew this would be an awesome quilt when finished! I am green with envy!lol Congrats on an awesome finish!

  3. Marjorie this is just amazing - well done - the textures are fantastic

  4. All that texture was a lot of work but it sure looks great. Congratulations!

  5. Lovely! The cat is a stunner, and if you wouldn't have told us, I would never had realized that the whiskers are missing. And I just love your 3D-leaves!!

  6. This is just fabulous--and your "real" cat is a hoot!

  7. Love your cat(s) - had to look back through your archive to check out the artist as when the quiltalong started I was wishing I could have a go - have to say you have done a marvellous job! Well done..

  8. Marjorie, it has been so fun watching this quilt come to life!! (Even if you still need whiskers!). I love the textured look with all your quilting. AWESOME!!

  9. Your kitty (quilt) is purrfect even without the whiskers! I think your kitty (cat) is just plain jealous!

  10. I just *love* this quilt!!! The circles on her are marvelous. Makes me smile - we've got a calico in our house.
