
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WIP on Wednesday - Drunken Cherries

Since it's Wed in Austrailia and I plan to be doing the same thing tomorrow after work, I decided to blog on my non-quilt activity for Work in Progress Wednesday now. 

We've had a very cold and late spring/summer in Idaho and my cherries are 3 weeks late.  We usually pick tomatoes, not cherries on the 4th of July. 

Yesterday, I posted on my Nutrition Facebook page : "I just picked a bushel of cherries from the tree in my back yard. What's your favorite thing to do with sweet cherries?"   I reported on the fate of the first half bushel on my Nutrition Blog.  But Jeri's advice to  "soak them in vodka and eat them" stuck with me all day.  So I stopped at the liquor store on the way home.

And I proceeded to work on getting a gallon-or-so of those cherries good and drunk. 
Mmmmm.  These are going to be really good in time for Christmas gift giving.

(If you live within a couple hundred miles of Boise, you might be able to win some of these yummies as part of a fruit & veggie challenge on the nutrition blog.  Some dried cherries are in the works for non-local winners since I've never found a satisfactory way to mail home-jarred food.)


  1. Drunk cherries ... lovely idea !! What a pity I can't jump over and have a bit of it ;-)))

  2. Yumm, that sounds fabulous.
    I love cherries fresh picked from the tree, I think Drunken Cherries would be my next favourite.

  3. What a great idea wish I was going to be on the receiving end of those cherries. Enjoy

  4. love Chocolate covered cherries or Cherry pie is right up there too. Your cherries look pretty. Just hopped in from WIPs

  5. In Japan we do something like that with green plums. Yummy!

  6. Drunken cherries? Marjorie, you're primed & ready to go for twitter's #gdas Fridays {get drunk & sew...neither of which is actually required to join the quilter chat}. LOL

  7. cherry's from the orchards here in Oregon are just now available as well. Very late this year. My tomatoes are very late as is the rest of my garden. I only hope everything has a chance to ripen before cold weather hits us this fall.
    Your cherries look so yummy. cherry pie time. : )

  8. Oh dear, that idea is stuck in my head now...drunken cherries sound fabulous - and so useful all year. I would have said jam, but this seems so much more versatile. Kirchentorte anyone?

  9. My sister always has drunk cheeries ready for our camping trip on 4th. of July. She uses Malibu coconut rum and they are YUMMY!!!!!!
