
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Contributing to the deliquency of a minor

My teen-aged friend Miranda asked if I'd help her to make a baby quilt. 

I offered 2 pattern options, and she chose the disappearing 9-patch.  After a trip to the fabric store and some time cutting 6 inch squares, we had a few lovely 9-patches.

Which I cut into quarters, rearranged, and had her sew back together.  We are both pleased with the result.

Unfortunately, I had some math errors and ended up with double the fabric needed.  Looks like I'll be sewing a bonus quilt for her with the leftovers as an apology for making her buy more than necessary.  (Although my guilt is mitigated by the fact that my coupons and stash fabrics had already cut the cost in half.)


  1. Good thing it wasn't my math. No telling what might happen. It looks like it will be a lovely quilt for a first attempt. Lucky baby!

  2. I love the fabrics and colours. Great choices. And what a great way to get way to get Miranda started quilting.

  3. Think of it this way - you've guided her through her first quilt....and started a stash!

    This baby quilt is going to be lovely, it looks great.

  4. It's great sharing isn't it
    Hey we all make mistakes but remember if you make a quilt for her with the extras she'll have something to remember this learning experience for ever

  5. She could always make another baby quilt, and it would be ready to gift for the next time she needs one.

  6. It’s wonderful to see someone so young catching the quilting bug, I hope she keeps on making quilts in the future her Baby quilt colours are lovely & soft. Cheers Glenda

  7. another victim lured to to the dark side!!! And she now has the starting of a stash as well

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Lovely quilt your friend is a lucky girl. Hope you post the quilt once it's finish would love to see it complete:)

  10. Your post title made me chuckle!

    Lovely quilt top; the disappearing nine patch is on my list of "things to try one day".

  11. So cute, nice to see a young lady wanting to learn to sew. You created some wonderful memories for her.

  12. That quilt is going to be so fun, it is great to teach quilting to your daughter.
