
Friday, August 5, 2011

Groom's Quilt

Earlier today, I wrote a brilliant post in my mind which I have completely forgotten.  My brain is now completely numb from 11 hours of piecing and listening to Eat, Pray, Love as a "book on tape" downloaded from the library.  About noon, my daughter asked why I didn't just watch the movie.  Now that I'm on chapter 66, of the 13 hour recording, I too am wondering. 

Enjoy the pretty picture and I'll give you details when I regroup my lost mind.


  1. Your blocks look amazing! And I think the book (especially if you listen to it on tape) is much better than the movie. And you can sew while you listen ;).

  2. HA! Too funny about the book/movie! But, wow, I love those blocks, BFF.

  3. 11 Hours? No rush or anything...
    I'll be watching to see how these go together.

  4. Love those blocks. Looking forward to seeing how this goes together.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The answer is that you can't cut and piece and watch a movie at the same time! Besides, the movie is rarely like the book!

  7. This is looking very interesting - I look forward to seeing how it all comes together
