
Saturday, September 10, 2011

This and That

I haven't been able to stay focused on anything for very long this week between family and work.  I got my machine working again and filled one block with all over flowers.

And my new favorite fill.

Alternate rows of short and long stitches using #8 Perle cotton.

Finally got whiskers on the cat, but still working on adding the eyebrows.

And I spent 1/2 a day cleaning and tidying.  Mostly that means controlling the fabric and project piles in the living room.  I needed to find a place and purpose for this great vase. 

We won it in a fund raiser at the end of a motorcycle ride.  Unfortunately, since it was my idea, I got to ride 30 miles, in stop and go traffic, clutching the oversized vase wrapped in a plastic bag.  I think it's going to be a scrap gathering bin.


  1. Hehe :) well, it sure is pretty.

    (And I LOVE the cat!)

  2. Your FMQ skills are very inspiring. I'm usually just doing a stipple or swirls. Sometimes I use a stencil.I think I need to start practicing some now designs. Your flowers and ?shells are wonderful.

  3. Seems like a perfectly acceptable use to me!

  4. Looks like you had a 'fun' ride home - great job, both of you, keeping it in tact on the 30 mile ride. Your quilting is looking great too

  5. I think I would put that vase in the window that gets the most sun and admire it! Is there anything you can't make that machine do?

  6. Hi! Greetings from Finland! Your works looks wonderful!!! :)
