
Sunday, September 11, 2011

You Guessed Right

There's just no fooling a group of quilters.  The mystery bits were for a small diaper bag for a breast-feeding mom. 

The dark purple stripe is on the top of an outside pocket.

The water bottle pocket from the bottom.

The cell phone pocket on the side opposite the water bottle.  (Tip your head to the left)

And it all started with this practice block then evolved like a pre-payday casserole.  I just kept adding things as they came to mind.

Including a pair of inside pockets.

And a zippered pouch to hold baby wipes and a couple diapers for those quick trips.

And a second pouch for...well...whatever.


  1. You did a wonderful job. Everything looks so useable! And yes a lot more complicated than a bag! Beautiful.

  2. Lovely! What a beautiful colour combination.

  3. Where were you while I was raising all those kids? Nice bag!

  4. A great bag; looks very useful - love your comparison to a pre-payday cassarole!! Sounds a bit like a lets-clean-out-the fridge/pantry dinner!
