
Saturday, March 3, 2012

March FMQ Challenge

The March FMQ Tutorial is by Ann Fahl and has a ton of info on FMQ and a couple of doodley fills.   She offered a few variations and after drawing them on paper, decided that only 2 interested me enough to commit to fabric.

She suggested a stippling variation that alternates what she refers to as "loop & twist".  I would have called it loop & villi.  Well, at least my version of it looks like that.  My paper doodle had softer waves b/w the loops, but when I pulled out practice quilt #1, I decided to try the fill on a narrow green strip so I could use some Wonder Fill Egyptian Cotton, variegated green that I had in the thread bin.  I'm not loving it.  My thought at this point is that it's just awkward for a narrow strip fill.

So I moved to a different section and tried the spiral fill/flower variation.  I have always liked double loops that I refer to as "olives".  This idea added a couple more rounds then petals.  What I LOVE about this is that instead of trying to exactly repeat the spiral, or echo just take off after the swirl is done to another area.

I really had fun with this.  I made fat squat petals, and long skinny ones, big flowers, little ones, partial flowers.  It was really fun.  I like the variety.  I will do this again.

I moved on to practice using the leaves from my Ojibwe Bead work inspired quilt.  The last practice panel, the stippling detracted from the fancy leaf design.  So I decided to keep the leaf plain and fuss up the background.

I like it better, but I have now come to the conclusion that I don't really like stippling in general.

It's a fast way to fill things in, but I'm not convinced that it's really the fill for me.  Which just popped in my head to the tune of KT Tunstall " Black Horse in the Cherry Tree"

Whoo Hoooo, Whoo HOO.  No,, no, no! You're not the one for, no no! You're not the fill for me.


  1. It's fun to get to know what you enjoy doing - this month's FMQ Challenge I found very 'freeing' and enjoyed it, too. Nice work! I especially enjoy your flowers that move on to different areas...this is something for me to try - thanks!

  2. I really like it...the leaf with the filling looks great

  3. Love your quilting but I know what you mean about stippling!!

  4. Great job. I really like your flowers.

  5. Looking great! The flowers turned out really cute.

    I'm enjoying this month's challenge too. Feathers weren't for me.

  6. The flowers came out great. I like your leaves surrounded by stipples. It makes them stand out - but it is in the beholder they say...

  7. Very nice flowers. I am having issues with making them not look wonkee. Great job!

  8. Wonderful quilting , especially love the flowers .
