
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Shop Hop - the long day

14 hours, 450 miles, 8 quilt shops, 8 women, 1 Suburban.   Saturday was an estrogen-drenched day of fun.  I know that somewhere there are photos of people sleeping in the car from early in the day, and drinking in the bar at the end of the day.  But here, you will only get photos of the spoils of the Shop Hop.

Friday night, younger daughter hands me a letter from her home-ec teacher (excuse me...."teen living" class) which states that if she wants to pick her own fabric for the 9-patch pillow project, she needs to bring 1/2 yard of fabric 1 and 1/3 yard of fabric 2 of her choosing.
"Mom, do you have any fabric I could use?"
Seriously?  Can you say "Duhhhh"
After looking through the stash she falls in love with this lone friendship square in an odd shade of blue.
There are some second-choice options picked as well.

The selections on the right contain enough scraps to make a 16" 9-patch, provided that the teacher allows scraps.  And my task for the shop hop was to find more of the dark batiks like the ones shown,  that might go with that light teal on the left.

I was pretty successful in my finds.  And when she's done with her picks, I should have enough fabric for a nice lap quilt.

One of the nice things about shop hops is getting door prizes.  One of the bad things about shop hop door prizes is that they are often things that I am unlikely to use (like brown fabric and cute embroidery patterns).  Here's a partial sampling.

I had a great time with a fun group ladies.  Especially since I got to help 2 of them pick out batik fabrics for projects they were working on!

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