
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Road Trip

Anna of Victora Rose Quilts is here to celebrate our birthdays (hers being May 21 and mine yesterday).  We decided earlier this spring to celebrate together since this is one of those years for her that ends in a "0" which somehow makes it more important.  Both of our husbands also had "0" years (their birthdays were in Jan/Feb) and had done "bucket list" trips to celebrate theirs.  Last night, we were busy planning a Saturday quilt shop of some Eastern Oregon shops, then decided that since neither of us had fabric shopped in Tri-cities, WA that might be a better idea.  But then Anna noticed the 25% off coupon in the Quilters Travel Companion I have for Fabric Depot and before bed Portland became our destination. As soon as we saw this "fabric porn" shot from their blog header, it was a done deal.   Even in the sober light of day that seems like a good idea.   Coffee, shower, pack, and we're off.  Certainly 420 miles each way is not too far for fabric.


  1. Happy Birthday to you both! My DH calls it quilting porn Hahaha great minds and all :)

  2. Happy Birthday to both of you. I hope that you have a great trip to the quilt shops.
    My DH's birthday was also June 8th, but I think he is older than you are.

  3. Happy Birthday blogger friend......
    Fabric porn - well yes, yes, yes - that is just one amazing shot, I wouldn't know where to start. Seriously, I'd be stunned at this mega selection of fabrics, let alone batiks. Enjoy your trip, take care and remember to share lots of photos with us poor folk in the UK who never see such an amazing range of quilting fabric.

  4. Happy birthday! I love Fabric Depot. Hope you had a great time there.
