
Sunday, September 30, 2012


I finally have these blue scraps put together.

I kept thinking about one of my food professors who hated left-overs.  She said that the problem with leftovers is that 1 cup is too much to throw away, so you save it and add 2 cups worth of new ingredients.  Then you end up with a cup.  So you do it again.  By the time it's all eaten, the original ingredient is 2 weeks old.

Yep.  That's what happened with this quilt too.

There are some blue calicos from my second ever quilt project in the late 80's.

But I did throw a big hand-full of small bits of blue into the trash as soon as the last rectangle was finished.

I just finished pin-basting this to bamboo batting and a white Ikea sheet.  Hubby and I are going to hop on the bikes and take a several hour break for lunch and winding roads.  Machine quilting when I return.


  1. I love a good long bike ride with my hubby. :) And the good thing about fabric left-overs is they're still just as good 2 weeks later. ;D

  2. I really like it with the light blue slashing. Very nice indeed!
