
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Quilting Update

 Making progress and this picture may give you some idea why I am pleased with my decision for this quilting.
I particularly love it since the diamonds are stitched in magenta.

The cold weather is certainly motivation to quilt.  We had a good bit of snow on Mon & Wed which helped clear the air.  Someone inquired what I meant by "inversion".  In the winter, we get weeks where the cold, stagnant air gets trapped in the valley and the warm, clear, sunny skies are are high elevation.  Now it's just clear and cold.

I even bundled up to go outside to take pictures of the quilt...but the sun is so low on the horizon that my yard is all shadows from the trees and shrubs.  Still trying to figure out settings on the camera.  The successful photo was some auto setting that didn't include flash. Not sure if I can replicate.  Good thing I start a photography class Tues.

Update:  Am linking up to Esther Aliu's WIPs on Wed post since the applique is her Heart's Desire (though completely re-arranged) and I thought her readers may be interested.  And I discovered at photography class that I accidentally discovered the "scene" settings on my new camera and the first photo was taken with bright natural light from the window and the portrait setting. 


  1. Love that first photo of the quilt - the quilting looks wonderful!
    Every Stitch

  2. It is looking fabulous, Marjorie! And what an intriguing outdoor picture you too. Are those snow puffs?

    PS: did you know you have that pesky "prove you're not a robot"stuff? It takes my poor eyes three tries usually to get it right.

  3. Love your quilt / quilting especially the thread color.

  4. Your diamond quilting is gorgeous!

  5. I can't get enough it this quilt! It's amazing!

  6. Beautiful quilting. Good luck with the photography course.

  7. Oh My Gosh your quilt is just breathtaking and your hand quilting is a work of art. How come I have not seen this one before, my loss. I am amazed how you designed your quilt to make it yours. You must be so proud.
    Hugs Bunny

  8. I like the diamond quilting design. Makes a very interesting background design.

  9. Your quilting is amazing. It really complements the applique work.

  10. I don't know which is more amazing, your appliqué or your quilting! Did you mark the lines for the diamonds or are you doing them by eye?

  11. Your Hearts Desire is stunning and the quilting is beautiful too, thanks for sharing it with us

  12. A beautiful lay out of Esther's Hearts Desirer design you have made it truly yours; and you quilting is amazing. I was thinking I should send mine away when completed as I'm a hand quilter too but after seeing yours I will think again about doing it my self. Thanks for the inspiration. Beautiful beautiful work. Cheers Glenda

  13. I happened across a pin of this. I love what you are doing with Esther's quilt. It is so lovely. And your quilting designs are great.

  14. The quilting is beautiful. Love the quilt. I love to applique, just need to find some time.
