
Friday, January 17, 2014


I've been practicing a feather fill for squares that I saw on Kay Bell's blog, and decided to give it a try on fabric but my practice panel is a rectangle.  Could be worse.  Could be better.  Definitely organic.

One of my UFO's, waiting to be quilted is the Puce 'Treuse Goose (On Spruce).  I bought this fabric on a whim, just to make a quilt with that name.  (The backing has a pine branch fabric.)

After a couple doodling attempts on paper, I worked out this quilting design.  The feathers will be on the geese (ha ha ha)  with the connecting sections of v-shaped circles.

Note to self - don't like variegated thread for pebbles as it creates random weird bold circles.

And finally, in an attempt to like (and be good at) feathers, I've been trolling the internet looking for examples that I like.  Judi Madsen came to my rescue with this swirl and feather filler.   According to Amazon, my copy of her book Quilting Wide Open Spaces should be arriving today, so I may have some other practice pieces to share by the end of the weekend.


  1. I give you credit for taking so much time to practice this. That is my biggest downfall; I hate to do all the drawing and practicing. I think you are doing fantastic with your feathers

  2. Great results Marjorie! It must be the year of the feather as I have been working on them too. Yours are very pretty and I Love both of the designs you've worked up. I always seem to find feather inspiration from Wendy Sheppard ( and Patsy Thompon's blog. Look forward to seeing more of your quilting. Karen

  3. Neat stuff! I love your design for the flying geese - that'll look really nice. Did your Judi book arrive? I *LOVE* that one!!
