
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Something Done!

I finaly got the quilting done on Amys bonus quilt. Serged the edges and washed it last night. Stll needs to be bound. 
Over the weekend i also finished the corner flowers on Biggs block 2.

I started a Sochi inspired background to use on a block that will represent 2014 on an anniversary quilt
I am done quilting the state blocks and have moved on to the outer borders

And I joined 400 other foolish bikers on the Frosty Buns ride. It was 39F when we left the house and 51 when we returned. But sun, nice sun. No snow. And manageable amouts of sand on the road in spots.


  1. It's all gorgeous! The Sochi block are breath taking - diamonds and champagne. Perfect for an anniversary. So you serge your quilt edges before binding? I may have to dust off my serger and give that a try.
