
Sunday, April 13, 2014


In the process of borrowing a pattern (which you can see at this link), I managed to make a major math error and a significant omission. By the time I discovered the errors I also realized there was not enough fabric to fix it.  So here it my final flimsy.  I think I'll add a wide border of the fabric you see in the bottom of the picture, then call it good.
I had several challenges with this quilt, not least of which is the fact that no matter what portion I was working on, something was always on the bias.  I did a lot of "corrective" trimming as I went along, and yet there is still some significant puckering which will need to be quilted out. 

Nonetheless, it accomplished the mission which was a masculine quilt using fabric from the stash. Thanks, Raewyn for the original idea.  Sorry I messed it up so badly.  

And on another note, as suddenly as I was having trouble with Blogger, the problems seems to be resolved so I can actually post from my computer again instead of my phone.  Technology. 


  1. You are absolutely impressive with all your projects! That quilt looks a masterpiece, and definitely an accomplishment.

    Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my Ivory Baltimore. Your kind words mean the world to me.

  2. Wow! Well done - it looks great and I am excited to see it once quilted. Doesn't it look stunning in the black and greys?! I don't think you messed up at all :-)

  3. Now if you hadn't snitched on yourself we probably wouldn't have known - it looks brilliant to me - well done - at least you finished it up instead of dumping it into an 'I'll look at that later box'

  4. I'm with Ethne - I'd never have known it wasn't supposed to look like that! Love it!
