
Sunday, August 17, 2014

More Leftovers

When I was cleaning the sewing room, I discovered that I still had tons of scraps from Persian Rug quilt.  Remember that I have already made 3 quilts with the remains.  There was enough of these fabrics that I couldn't bear to throw them out.   They are not a color-way that I usually use so saving them for something else was not an option.   I cut some 1" strips and started crazy piecing as a mosic variation.   This was the photo after the first session.

A second sewing session and things looked like this.

I failed to take photos of round 3, but it involved taping the basic size of the strip I wanted to end up with.

This morning was session 4.  I have 2 sections about 19" wide with a goal to make the strip about 60" long.  I am imagining this offset with some wide, solid sections, probably dark blue since I have some in the stash.

But I can't stay interested in this for very I'm moving on to some applique.  Or maybe a different pieced project inspired by this Geometric Gradation Quilt by Geta Grama

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