
Monday, December 12, 2016


My Desert Rose Leftovers quilt is progressing well.  I have transitionally named it Tumbleweed.

My experiment using embroidery thread was a success.  I has a wonderful shimmer in full light and is a bit thicker than typical thread.  I did buy embroidery needles and have had no thread specific problems.

The feathers above turned out so well that I officially announce that "I have mastered feathers".

I happen to LOVE this flower for squares.   It's a Lori Kennedy design that I used on Evolution.  My biggest challenge for this square was trying to keep my stitches even and medium in length.  When the stitches are short, they lose the shimmer from the embroidery thread.  I am learning that the fact that the lines aren't straight is no big deal.  After washing, it will look great.
The Ohio Star fussy quilting design turned out well.  Used the green embroidery thread on stars, and matching cream cotton thread on the background.  I was so unhappy with the planned stitching between the pods and the star points that I ripped it out and will be hand quilting that section. Don't judge me.  It's the only way to get both the color and texture that I want.

And then there was this.  It started with me following the swirl on the brown batik.  And it ended in a freaking ridiculous micro-feather.  In 2 colors. The green & brown together is 3 1/2".  I know.

 Here is the party from the back before the last round of Lea Day Paisleys below.
Back to work.  Hopefully some updates and progress in a week. 

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