
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Furlough Day 2

The past 2 days have been phenomenally productive.  I spent about 8 hours more on machine quilting, bringing my total for the project up to 26.  The binding is on and it's currently in the washing machine.  I will post reveal photos tomorrow. 

What I had hoped would be the perfect solution for sourdough muffins fixed 1 problem but created a new one.  I am hoping that the 5th time will be the charm.  Fortunately they are still delicious.  And my starter is getting stronger since I am feeding it every other day and using it weekly.  Once I crack the code, I'll post about it on my Nutrition Blog 

Yesterday, I picked 2 bouquets from the bounty of bulbs I put in last fall during the beginning of my garden overhaul project.
With my daughter's help, we cleared this section of the overgrown front garden today.  I am looking forward to reclaiming and remodeling this section.  I also discovered that I don't have the endurance for hard physical labor that I used to have.  Good thing I stocked up on Tylenol in case of Rona. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You blow me away with your productivity. Looking forward to the finished picture. My garden has been getting more attention with so much time at home. I can just sit still so long, then have to go trim bushes and pull weeds. When I run out, I snatch weeds from the park or the neighbor's bed.
