
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Biggs Test Block


My progress on the test block was slowed this weekend by needing to be an assistant plumber for a sink faucet replacement project.  And a motorcycle lunch ride.  I am happy with the junction squares.  I tried a couple variations of fill direction and thread color on the hand stitching.  Will decide on the final after it's washed. 
I've finished the 4 secondary centers with the Shashiko pattern.  I had originally planned on these being stitched in red, but in the end, the contrast of the dark green thread is my favorite. 

Only thing left is the grid fill between the squares.  Again, trying several variations to see if the complicated ones are worth the effort.    Meanwhile, I did an auction with my Facebook Friends and the winner has to make a donation to my local women's shelter to get her prize.  

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