
Friday, January 22, 2021

Making More Work

I finishe piecing the bonus quilt from the Fall scraps.  I had imagined this with a dark, olive green stripe as borders for the strip sets, but when I looked closer at the fabric I'd pulled, they turned out to be fat-eights instead of 1/4 yard strips.  Plan B was a similar color I had in the stash, that I discovered I had used up on the Groom's Quilt about 6 months ago.  So lime it is. 
I started designing big leaves inspired by the ones in Johanna Basford's coloring books. The are big (10") but detailed.  I think they will be fun to quilt while not beeing too fussy or needing background fill to make them show up. 

Which reminded me about this flimsy.  I made this a few years ago to use up scraps, but also to use quilting also inspired by the same and other coloring books. 

This was my proof of concept trial.   I love how it turned out, but I totally lost momentum on this project.  Not sure why.  Probably just some bright shiny object that distracted me.

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