Saturday, July 31, 2010

Done At Last!!!

Finally! The Joseph's Coat quilt top is finished.  I thought I was going to be done a week ago but there were many distractions.  And then I discovered that I was missing 2 of the 5-petal filler blocks.  And then I realized I had a bunch of outer petals to add.  It only took 9 months and a couple hundred hours to finish this top.  Ah...but it still needs to be quilted.


1 Oops-Lah said...

wow, it's beautiful. You are a star!!! How are you going to quilt it? By hand? I can't wait to see it completely finished. Congratulations.

2 Jen said...

Just stunning. Love the colors. What a work of art.

3 Edna said...

It's gorgeous! Mine is nowhere close yet. I think I have about 20 blocks done so far.

4 Lynn Koeppen said...

WOW! Good for you! I love your colors. You are a real inspiration!

You are always busy finishing and then trying something new!