Monday, August 2, 2010


Lis insisted " give sashiko a try, it's so relaxing to do".  So I did.  And I find it to be like peeling a pear with a meat cleaver.  

I'm so used to using size 11 and 12 quilting and applique needles...the type that are so small that you have to use silk thread because regular thread is so fat.  Then I get a wild hair and decide to buy #5 pearl cotton.  After 5 attempts, I find an embroidery needle that allows me to stitch more than 3inches at at time without saying bad words and putting my hand on ice to recover from the fatigue.  

Odds are reasonable that I'll finish this attempt.  But I don't think that I am destined to be a Sashiko Master. .

1 comment:

1 Lis Harwood said...

Oh Marjorie, I love your pear and meat cleaver image! Yes, using a sashiko needle when you're used to a tiny quilting needle is quite a contrast. I had the opposite this morning, hand stitching my miniature storm at sea with a tiny needle after doing a lot of meat cleavert work! I assure you it is worth persevering, the long needle means you can get nice, even straight stitches - and I love the sashiko on patterned fabric style you're doing.