Monday, August 9, 2010

Broken Glass/ Melting Ice

Saturday night, I finished the 3rd panel, which turned out to be wider than the previous two, but the same length.  Too narrow for a quilt.  After some contemplation, I decided I kind-of liked the rugged edge and that gave me an idea.

Sunday morning, I tried a different technique.  Instead of thinking of making a strip, I set about making several centers then making them fit together.  On my left leg are the sections that are already pieced.  On the right, the bits with short strips of fabric.

On the floor, I sorted the piles into medium length strips and long strips.  This seemed to make piecing go more quickly.  When it got bigger than the long strips, it was declared "done".

After adding a couple strips, I'd iron then trim the fabric.  (These steps were in a different room...according to my pedometer I walked nearly 2 miles yesterday.)
And this is the result.  I sewed the strips together, then onto a piece of white fabric.  At the recommendation of my daughter, I may add a few random blocks breaking away from the others on the white.

The blue scraps are nearly used up, but there's still a big pile of the white, JC remnants.  Need to think of another project.


1 connie said...

This is so great!!! Just love how it has evolved!

2 Lynn Koeppen said...

WOW! Nice so far! Did you get the red Montana fabric from me? Hope so!

3 beth said...

I love this!! keep it up!

4 syocom said...

Love it, This quilt turned out so good, an so different.

5 quilthexle said...

WOW - I LOVE your blue-and-white top. The idea of your daughter sounds interesting, I think. Congratulations - is this really your first attempt at liberated piecing??? It is beautiful !!