Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cat Progress

The Charley Harper Calico Cat is finally whole.  Although, after snapping this picture, I realized I still needed to add a branch under her head and a spot on the thigh.

And whiskers.  I forgot the whiskers before I started sandwiching the quilt too....I'll applique them on top when the quilting is done.
My cat was most helpful (not) as I was basting the quilting sandwich together on my living room floor.

The good news (from my last cat quilt post) is that I discovered I had enough of the sage from where I cut away the background fabric from the cat body to make the leaves that I still needed.

Yesterday I dug through the garage stash (that's where large cut yardage and non-quilting fabrics live) and found enough of the same color to use for a backing.

Normally, I like to do a pieced back for 2-sided interest.   This time, I think the front is so interesting that I don't want to detract.

Also, I am going to hand-quilt the cat and the branches b/c I want that extra texture that only comes with hand quilting & cotton batting.  Here's the cat fur from the back.  This was about an hour's meandering quilting.  I quite like it.


1 Julie Fukuda said...

Seeing the real thing on the quilt shows what a big quilt this is. It is coming along quite nicely.

2 WoolenSails said...

I love your cat piece, really fun design and fabrics.


3 Wendy said...

Your cat is coming along nicely! He sure is big! I can't wait to see him finished.......

4 Unknown said...

This is coming on brilliantly Marjorie - I'm not getting anywhere near crafts at the moment - decorating ;0?

5 Jenny Squawk said...

About time! Not meaning to be offensive, I've just been waiting and thinking about your giant kitty quilt forever. Awesomely dramatic. And here you are going to hand quilt it! Kudos to you, she's looking great.

6 Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I didn't realize that the quilt was as big as it really is until you shared the picture with the real cat in it. What a fantastic quilt it is going to be!

7 Annabella said...

LOVE the Charlie Harper cat!

8 Marg said...

I love this quilt and I didn't realise how big it was either. You have produced a fabulous piece, cant wait to see it once you have finished quilting it.

9 Mama Spark said...

Wow seeing your cat on the CH cat gives some perspective doesn't it? This is one BIG quilt top! Can't wait to see it all finished. You are doing an amazing job!

10 Raewyn said...

O Wow, your photos didn't give me an inkling of the size, until the photo of your real cat appeared!! This is going to be so stunning when it's done - I bet you are excited by the process!!!

11 quilthexle said...

All I can say is - WOW ! As some of the other commenters already said, I only realized the quilt's size when I saw your cat on it ... it's huge ! And it will look great, especially with the hand-quilting ;-))

12 Lynne (Lily's Quilts) said...

You cat is just amazingly brilliant. Ethne's QAL was just the best idea and has produced the most amazing results.

13 www.randomthoughtsdoordi.com said...

This cat is wonderful and your little tiny stitches make me envious. I am just learning to hand quilt!

14 Miki Willa said...

Great quilt! Just how big is it? It is pretty amazing.

15 LisaT said...

Im not a cat person but that is a great piece of work!