Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shop Hop - The Little Loop & Llamas

Despite being exhausted from yesterday's adventures...I headed out at 9:30am to finish up the Shop Hop.  Today was only 3 hours and 80 miles.  Lesson of the day...don't ask directions from locals that don't get out of town much.  The "just take Amity'll take you into Nampa" advice failed to point out that it would dump me 7 miles South and 1 mile West of where I needed to be....though I would have been in Oregon before I realized there was a problem if I didn't have a good sense of direction.

Although I was within $11 of my official budget before the day started...I still came home with 18 1/3s.  For those of you who are inconsiderate enough to be mentally calculating my expenditures...may I remind you that my amazing stack of batiks is still less than the cost of one month's Harley payment.  (Including the cost of gas and food for the shop hop.)  Just sayin'.

More amazing gifts.  A fat 1/8 of my choice, a fat 1/4 of theirs, a coaster, flower seeds & coupons, and a VERY cool ruler from Cindy's!

5 more block kits.

The best version of putting these all together was at Knit One, Quilt Too in Kuna.  They have a kit too.  If you really want to put these all in one quilt...that would be my recommendation.

Hullabaloo Grey and Pink Pastel Zoology Yardage SKU# 32403-13
    When I got home, I had an email from Angela at Cut to Pieces.  I WON THE HULLABALOO Layer Cake from the Fat Quarter Shop.  That is very cool. But as I was browsing the collection I saw this bit from the Zoology yardage.  Oh Dear Karma....please, oh pretty please let there be a pink llama in my cut of the layer cake!!!
    My 14 year old daughter, Skater Girl, loves llamas.  For Christmas, we "gave" her a llama through Heifer International (which she was more excited about than the ipod).  Last week, she was suspended from school for a day because she defended a friend who was being sexually harassed by a male classmate, with one well placed foot to the groin.  Creeper-boy dropped to his knees, cried and vomited...then turned her in.  He was not suspended. We do not condone violence as a way to solve problems.  However.... well, like I was saying...she really likes llamas.


1 Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Woo Hoo for your daughter, and I hope the school was notified of WHY she did it, and that kids parents were called too.

2 Bailey said...

Looking forward to getting out to Kuna to see how they put the blocks together! Thanks for was fun to see someone's report on the hop...I'll probably be doing one after I get them all done next week!

3 Unknown said...

You can see who's had a fun weekend - do you have photos of each shops finished version of the quilt? and the one you like best

4 Deborah OHare said...

I fully understand your reasoning about the expenses.
In my house it is the monthly golf fees!
Looks like a fun time was had.
Your daughter sounds like a good friend to have around.