Thursday, May 12, 2011

Road Trip!

My bags are packed and I'm about to start loading it into the car and heading to SLC.  The great irony is that I have 1 bag of clothing and 9 containers of projects.  If I don't forget, I also need to drop my machine off at the Sewing Machine Spa on my way out of town.  I'm looking forward to Quilt Market, then a very unplanned week of visiting and sewing with a friend in Brigham City, UT.  Will also be taking the long way home via Idaho Falls to deliver my mom's belated Mother's Day gift.

Hmmm...looking at this photo makes me wonder what I've forgotten to pack.  Wallet, phone, chargers, camera, underwear, Girl Scout cookies, water, coffee mug.  I guess I can survive without anything else as long as I have those essentials.


1 Manda said...

I love that you have 1 bag of clothing and 9 of projects lol!!

2 Tina Craig said...

I love that you include GS cookies on your list of essentials!