Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sleeping on the Couch

Managed to spend a litle time this afternoon finishing up the last of the "Sleeping on the Couch" blocks. Made Skater Girl and her friend Meg play "Design Wall Speed Rearrange" with me until we all liked this lay out.

Tomorrow, I have time set aside to add sashing and maybe you'll get a finished photo in good lighting of this project.

Meanwhile...Harley Dude and I are on our way to enjoy a 21st anniversary dinner.  Wow.  How did that happen so fast?  It probably helps that many quilt shops are located next to bars.  Some may say it's coincidence...I say it's either really good  business practice or maybe just Karma. 


1 Julie Fukuda said...

Terrific arrangement. Happy anniversary.

2 Lynne said...

Very good business practice!! LOL

Happy anniversay.

The quilt is looking good.