Thursday, September 1, 2011

August Projects

August was a month of quilting action, but not completion.  I did finish piecing the Groom's Quilt to go with the Double Wedding Ring that I finished in July.

And I did a couple free motion quilting panels to practice how I plan to quilt the Groom's Quilt.  Considering that I hadn't done FMQ on a home machine before May, I think I'm catching on pretty quickly.

My other big accomplishment was contributing to the delinquency of a minor.  I helped a teen-aged friend to piece this Disappearing 9 Patch baby quilt.

Hopefully by next month, I'll finish the Mom's Quilt to the baby quilt (bad calculation on my part, we bought and cut out too much fabric.  Oops).  I'm also scheduled to teach a basic quilt sampler to a couple ladies from the motorcycle club.  And if the weather will cool's the start of college football season - my favorite partner for watching TV and hand quilting.

Fresh Sewing Day


1 Unknown said...

Sounds like you too are starting to get organised for hand projects over the autumn / winter months

2 quirky granola girl said...

your FMQ looks pretty great!

3 Melinda said...

I'm so jealous of your FMQ progress. I am still struggling. I'm really beginning to think it's my machine and not me. That sounds good, I'm sticking with that!