Friday, February 10, 2012

Tie Quilt Solved

It isn't everything that I'd hoped for, but it is better than it was.  By pulling the yellows out, I no longer hate it.  The greens show up more in the photo than they do in person, but the blue/yellow I don't like in person disappear here, so I guess it all averages out.

I'm thinking about backing this with minkee, and skipping the batting.  That should make a very soft quilt that shows off the drape and shine of the silk.  I'm now calling it an "Executive Woobie"


1 Lynne said...

It sounds like you're not entirely happy.

2 Julie Fukuda said...

I think it looks fine. All that silk is a lot of work!

3 Deborah OHare said...

Well done. I imagine it was not easy wrestling with all of those ties.

4 Carol said...

Love the name. LOL. Ties are so pretty but so hard to work with.Will it have to be dry cleaned? Can you dry clean minkee?

5 quilthexle said...

Taking that pale yellow out was sure a very good idea !! The green now gives a bit of a "zing" to the top but does not overpower it. LOVELY !!