Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tie Quilt Update

Thanks for all your tie quilt suggestions.  My challenge remains that I have used all but very small bits of all the silk ties that I have.  Unlike a traditional cotton quilt, I can't just pull a yard of navy blue out of the stash. And if I'm going to spend money on nice silk, it certainly won't be for a quilt.  

Joanne came to my rescue with some ties from her newly retired hubby's closet.  At first glance these are far more tan than the existing collection.  I may be OK swapping these reds for the yellows in the piano key border.

I stopped by the thrift store on the way home, but I am NOT going to pay $5 each for used silk ties to finish this quilt.  I did cruise the women's blouses though.  For $4 I have a "new" red silk blouse for valentines day.  And a $2.50 purple cotton sheet to back a quilt (it was half-price purple tag day at Savers).

All of this digging through my regular sewing stash for hidden silk has also spurred an old need to work my way through the fabric-for-clothes bins that remain piled in the garage.   Great.  Just what I needed - more UFO's to taunt me.


1 Lynne said...

Nice scores from the thrift store!

2 LesQuilts said...

Hi! I thought you were going to tell us you were repurposing the red blouse to add to the quilt!
You could win a prize at Jenny Elephantz blog for repurposing!
Take care, Leslie