Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wine Whine Whine

I received a couple nice looking polo shirts from my employer, in a very nice logo-colored shade of wine.  This is all well and good, except that the expectation is to wear it with khaki pants.

I do own a pair of khaki crop pants that I bought sometime before the turn of the century.  When I was 10 pounds lighter.  They still fit...kind-of.  But I have to be careful about what color underpants I'm wearing since it's a little thin where the grommets on the pockets pull.

Have I mentioned how much I hate shopping*?  For, of all things, khaki pants???  Seriously?  Beige isn't even a color.  I have to pay MONEY for something that is COLORLESS? Ugh.  I'm dying here.  Oh, and I forgot to mention that I have insanely long legs and a pear shape making "pants that fit" legs, hips and waist all at the same time a lot like seeking the Holy Grail.

First stop, I find some straight leg pants in "the size I think I am" on sale.   But even the sale price makes my frugal self hesitate.  And I'm still convinced they will only look the right length if I'm bare-foot or wearing boots.  At this point I'm also at the height of my annoyance of having to buy khaki.  That color reminds me of oatmeal. Bleech!  You can make me eat it, but you can't make me like it. Sorry.  I'm not paying $30 for something that makes me gag.

Five stores later, I found some Lee's straight leg pants at JCPenny's in a LONG!  $27 and fit better than any other off-the-rack pant's I've tried in decades.

And the real coupe was my new wino shoes found at Ross.  I can slosh a little Zin on these babies and no one will notice it. (No silly, not at job isn't THAT fun.)

Moral of the story: Do not expect to see me making a burgundy and tan quilt any time soon.

*Exceptions to shopping hatred: Batik fabric, farmer's markets, art, Native American pottery


1 Lisa England said...

Your post cracked me up! I also have insanely long legs and Lee pants and jeans in long are the best thing ever. Christopher & Banks also has crazy long pants but most of the time the styles are a bit matronly for my taste. And there's that high price thing.

2 Oops-Lah said...

Your post makes me almost glad I have short legs ;)!!! At least I can chop some of the lengths of new pans (which I have to do regularly). Glad you found something you like. Good for you!

3 Raewyn said...

Amazing how some types of shopping sends us into the depths of dispair - while others we relish!! Glad you found something that suited in the end.... it almost sounded as though you were quite pleased with the outcome :-)

4 Julie Fukuda said...

That is so funny! I've got short legs and gorilla arms ... cut off the legs and add to the sleeves and have coordinated clothing? Not in those colors, thanks.

5 Lynne said...

I hate clothes shopping too! I have a big tummy and narrow hips with almost no bum so buying pants that fit nicely is a nightmare for me too!

6 Dorthy of Texas said...

I'm sure with the long legs you look great in the pants even if you dislike the color. I, too, dislike khaki colored pants. And when I wear pants that color I always feel as though I look like a bus driver! I cannot imagine why anyone would intentionally buy something that color. The only exception I've ever had were a couple of skirts that were well made.