Sunday, May 6, 2012

Citrus Squares

Am I the only quilter who completely misjudges the length of time that it's going to take to finish a project?  I worked on this all weekend and still need to bind it.

I think that's going to mean a fabric purchase as I only have scraps in these colors.

This was a stash clean-out project.  Earlier this spring, I decided to pull out some orange fabric to make room for my growing batik stash.  I had an assortment of fabrics that I'd received as a gift that are printed with batik looking designs.  I had purchased the fabric with fruit names written all over it about a year ago (on clearance) thinking I would use it for a quilt back.  That inspired me to add the yellow and lime to the mix.  My only regret is that one of the greens I used is too light.  Oh well.

Jackie at Canton Villiage Quilt Works had posted this work in progress from her design wall back in February.  I had planned on making HST triangles into squares, but fell in love with how she arranged them in different sizes.

Thanks to Jackie both for the inspiration and permission to re-post her photos.

This is her finished quilt.  You really need to head to her post on this quilt to see the other pictures!  The close ups of the zig-zag quilting are great.

I was pondering how I was going to quilt it when Deborah at The Blue Hare posted this picture.
Isn't that texture amazing?

But could I really make myself quilt that much?

Answer:  No way!

But I do like the varying widths and decided to try something similar. (Thanks also to Deborah for inspiration and photo permission).

I used 3 colors (green, gold & orange) of Aurifill thread and quilted straight lines 1/4 to 1 inch apart.  This is the second project that I've done with Aurifill.  Sadly, my machine does not like this thread.  I tried everything to make her think otherwise.  I used a new needle (size 75 quilting), adjusted the tension, but the thread insisted on breaking every time that I sewed at full speed.

Interestingly, I had less breakage once the thread cones were down to about 1/2.  I had a similar problem with a different brands large cones which makes me suspect it has to do with the vertical spool position where so many of the machines now have a horizontal feed.


1 Danih03 said...

Answer to your first question, YES, all the time, with practically everything I do. But, I would say you got a lot done in one weekend! I am impressed!

2 Danih03 said...

on the thread break, are you using a thread stand?

3 Julie Fukuda said...

From my point of view, that pale green makes your design a lot more interesting than the other.

4 Danih03 said...

Maybe it would help to get one.

5 S Dodge said...

I too like the variation of the light green. It adds interest and a great depth variation. Lovely colors. So impressed you did this in a weekend. wow.

6 Deborah OHare said...

Thanks for showing my quilt:)
I like the colour punch of the orange and green in yours. I look forward to seeing the quilting.

7 Unknown said...

Looking brilliant.
Question one: of course I do, all the time
Your binding - why don't you use the scraps to make up coloured sections as part of your binding for a little more punch with some, pale beige (to match the text) or white - I'm sure you'll be able to get something from your stash, and save buying new fabric for your batiks ;o)

8 Unknown said...

Marjorie, it turned out fantastic!! I love it and the quilting is perfect!! I am so glad I was able to inspire you to make this wonderful quilt. LOVE your version!

9 quilthexle said...

No, you are not the only one - I never get the time thing right ;-)) About the thread breaking ... do you have a way to get the thread into the machine in a horizontal way? I had the same problem till I got a thread stand, and that comes with an additional little hook so the thread travels up first through the thread stand, and than it comes down to that little hook, and there it changes direction and the machine "thinks" the thread comes in horizontal (I hope this makes any sense to you ...). AND: I love your quilt, it looks like spring, fresh and inspiring !

10 Tina said...

Love the quilt. It is fresh and crisp. I wll have to try a random pattern like this with HST. Sorry about your thead breaking. I have not machine quilted with Aurifill except on a long arm machine, and there it performed rather well.