Friday, May 18, 2012

Blogger's Quilt Festival

It is time again for Blogger's Quilt Festival!

My big finish since the last time is this hand quilted double wedding ring. It is a gift for a good friend who is getting married in August.

I started this last June with a request for my blogging friends to send me any turquoise scraps they might have and were willing to share.

By July I had the piecing done.  It was something that went much faster than I'd feared.

I've always been afraid of this pattern and had it on my list of "quilts I will never make".   In a weak moment, however, I bought a DWR template on sale.

The quilting, took a long,long time.  I even forced myself to quilt less than I really wanted - just the outline of the rings and some echoing in the grey.

It took every episode of Cake Boss to finish it.

Thanks to the bamboo batting and the limited amount of quilting, the end result is amazingly soft and drapy.
I did take lots of the scraps to make this groom's quilt.

On the back, hers will say "Sarah, welcome to the family".

His will say " Dave, because we know you'll be sleeping on the couch."

I've been practicing my FMQ to fill this in.  But now am thinking I'll try something a little less ambitious.

I have until August to get that second quilt done.  Guess I better get busy!


1 Unknown said...

Aw, how romantic. At least Dave will have something to keep him warm on that couch.

2 Deborah OHare said...

This is one of my favourite quilts. The colour just shines out of the computer. I love it!

3 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love the colours!!

4 Raewyn said...

I love your sense of humour! The wedding ring quilt is beautiful - and how fun to have matching 'his' and 'hers' quilts!

5 Marika said...

Quilting is very nice work :)

6 CitricSugar said...

Great sense of humour! What a lovely gift...

I would never have thought to use batiks in a wedding ring but it's the perfect way to modernize a classic. Beautiful.

7 Lynne said...

Wow! That DWR quilt looks amazing!

8 Janet said...

The DWR is such a beauty! I am inspired to try one.

Anonymous said...

Love it!
I've done a double wedding ring quilt and it is tricky to get it to lay flat. Wondering if the template you speak of is the trick? I think my hand quilting took years, but it does weigh about 40 pounds, LOL!

10 Mom said...

love your quilts!

11 Sarcastic Quilter said...

FANTASTIC! I love the turquois and gray color palette you have used. Just great.

12 Lynne (Lily's Quilts) said...

OMG props to you for climbing the mountain that is the DWR - I still haven't faced that one yet although I really need to - and love the inscription on his quilt lol. No soppy romanticism from you, of course

13 Rachaeldaisy said...

I love Double Wedding Ring Quilts. I love the colours you've made this one in. What a wonderful gift!!

14 Pattilou said...

I've never thought of a groom's quilt! Nice! Love the colors in the double wedding ring quilt. ...and hand quilted! Beautiful.

15 Krista @ said...

Really beautiful work! Thank you for sharing!

16 Charlotte said...

wow! that's amazing! I'd love to make a double wedding ring.

17 Quiltbenaco said...


18 straythreads said...


19 Eileen said...

Fantastic quilt and lucky recipients of them. Thanks for sharing this pretty use of color and have a great day

20 BunkHouseQuilts said...

WOW~ That is one awesome quilt to tackle. It is also on my list of "never make that." I am in awe of your hand quilting. The total package is wonderful. I love the groom's quilt and especially the sayings for the back. So fun!

21 Sandra said...

Great job, cool colors. Very romantic.

Come see my entries 64 (repro. applique) and 85 (antique appliques).

22 Sandy said...

The color combo is so unusual and gorgeous! I love the way the color pops against the gray background.

23 Jean said...

Love them both...beautiful.