Sunday, July 29, 2012

Quilting Update

I am nearly finished with the machine quilting for this groom's quilt.   I'm at that point where I need to spread it out on the floor and mark the areas that I've missed stitching down.

I"m very excited to finish and wash this quilt as the 1/2" strips next to the wider open sections should make an interesting texture.

The batting is a bamboo/ cotton blend and I didn't want to over-quilt it so it would stay soft and drapey.

Yesterday I had quite the experience  when a rhetorical question had a real solution.  I was quilting away and broke the 4th needle and screamed "What the !@#$ is wrong with this sewing machine?"  My husband, the resident aircraft mechanic was sitting across the dining room table from where I was working and managed to problem solve to find a hidden lint dam in the feed dogs.  It hasn't worked this well in ages!!!

We're taking a morning motorcycle ride in the mountains before it gets too hot, then back for the olympics and more leaves for a hand applique project I've pulled back out.


1 Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Oh I have been there with the broken needles. Also am very jealous that you can go on morning motorcycle rides in the mountains. Hopefully I will be moved to Utah by the end of the year, and I too will be able to enjoy those lovely rides. It is waaaaaaaaaay too HOT and HUMID here in Florida to even think of riding this year. Can't even go the grocery store at midnight on it, because you still can't breathe outside.

2 Quilter Kathy said...

What a great looking quilt! It's amazing what that piled up lint can do!

3 Lynne said...

Looking good! yay for clever, helpful husbands.