Friday, September 14, 2012

Guilt & Scraps WTFFQ

In the process of creating the new sewing room, I discovered that the blue scraps appear to be mating.   I have made several blue scrap quilts...and yet look at all this fabric!

My first inclination is to chuck everything in the trash.   But that's just not in my nature.  It's like changing the locks on the house so certain family members can't get matter how tempting it is...I just can't do it.  Far too inappropriate.  *Sigh*

I'm a couple hours into piecing scraps together and I'm starting to quit hating those fabrics.  I'm kind-of understanding the scrap appeal.  It's a trip down memory lane!  The blue batiks from Emily's wedding quilt.  The berry fabric from the Quilt From Hell (Lone Star).  Several blue fabrics that I bought to match the new color scheme at a workplace and bought fabric at JoAnn's for lab coats that matched the trim.  And why would I EVER think I needed a home-spun?
That blue floral never actually matched anything I ever owned as it was an off-shade of blue.  I tried for decades to work it into a quilt.  2 of the blues were left from a reverse applique Mum that I made for my mom.  There's also some fabric I bought for Quilts of Valor.  There are also some random blues that I bought for Baltimore Album quilts...which at a distance resemble cut glass.  There are also a couple pieces that I SWEAR I have never seen before.

Seriously...I think that my quilting friends are sneaking fabric into my stash just to mess with me.  Come to think of it...that's actually a really fun idea.  I may start carrying random fat quarters in my purse and just tuck them in with something similar at my quilting friends' houses.  Tee-Hee-Hee....I'm calling them WTFFQ.   I am a girl with a mission.

Oh... BTW...You are welcome to blame me for any WTFFQ that you find in your matter where you live.  It's all my fault.


1 Raewyn said...

I know the feeling, I seem to have multiplying scraps too! Sounds like you are having fun with them though. I wonder whether your friends will love you or not... oh well, as long as they are quilters they will understand at least!!

2 Lynne said...


I have many blue scraps and they're not all mine. It's amazing that when I'm given a bag of scraps to "do something" with, there is always more blue than any other colour!

3 Julie Fukuda said...

You need to keep them out in the open. Scraps multiply in dark places.

4 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love the idea of a WTFFQ!!!

5 Debbie said...

I also love the WTFFQ idea. It is a concept definitely worth pursuing. Sort of like ringing a doorbell and leaving a basket of zucchini on the doorstep.

6 Tina said...

I love the WTFFQ idea. You could get a movement started. I will have to do that to some of my friends, I have some ugly FQ laying around. Thanks for the laugh!