Tuesday, June 18, 2013


As I was using needle turn applique to make this flower stem and leaves, I had a Taylor Swift moment.  When it comes to PIECING a quilt...

But ooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you

We are never ever ever getting back together,
We are never ever ever getting back together,
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Like, ever...

I have not spent any time the past few months doing applique as I was trying to finish up a stack of UFOs.  For the first time in months I have enjoyed and looked forward to working on a quilt project.
I may have to set a deadline then let go of some other projects so I can get back to applique.

 By the way...don't forget that Google Reader goes away at the end of the month.  I have been using Bloglovin' for a while and today added the link to my sidebar.  Looks like only half of you are set up to follow using the new reader....click on that link if you're interested in continuing to follow this blog.   I plan to do a lot of applique.  Enough FMQ to get quilts ready to give.  A bunch of clothing to use up the stash.  And a little piecing....just as much as is absolutely necessary.


1 Dolores said...

I follow and read blogs from my dashboard. I read that I don't need bloglovin' then.

2 Lisa England said...

I read blogs on my dashboard too. I hope it's true that I will be able to continue to do that after Reader goes away. I've read some conflicting information on the subject.

3 Jenny Squawk said...

You not liking needle turn applique! Say it ain't so!

I'm using feedly as my reader, its prettier and more robust. I'm a power user of rss feeds. I got both feedly and bloglovin accounts before making the decision.