Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lots o' Phlox

I'm finished with the phlox flowers that surround the pica.  They are a bit different than I'd imagined them, but as close as I could get using a single piece of fabric rather than separate petals.  I'm moving on to the Lupine flowers next.  I'm opting for shades of purple from the batik stash rather than the dark blue/purple of the native flowers I'm reproducing.

For those of you here from Esther's WOW, this block is a commemorative block of things that happened in 1991.  The end quilt will be 20-25 blocks to represent each year I've been married (this August is our 23rd anniversary and I started planning in preparation for our 20th.  Ooops)  The style I'm going for is a cross between Baltimore Album and Civil War Bride.

You can read more about this idea, see pictures of real pica, and watch the process unfold by clicking through the previous few posts.


1 Nanna said...

great progress on the block, it looks great!

2 Mary said...

Oh, thanks so much for the backstory. It will be beautiful.